Sunday, February 1, 2015

First Anniversary!

Wow! It's been a year since I started this blog!! I am surprised but also quite proud that I kept going for a year. I started this blog so that I can preserve my nail designs somewhat. I wanted to have some record of each designs I do so that I can go back and find out what color I used and what designs I chose if I wanted to recreate the look. I didn't set too ambitious schedule to post everyday but rather kept at once a week post with a few extra posts here and there. Maybe that was the secret to keep going.

Looking back this past year, here are some of my favorite looks!

My highlight of this past year definitely was the entry to the contest hosted by Chitchat Nails. Though I didn't win, I was short-listed by my favorite nail blogger, Marta! Read the original post here.

I find myself choosing a lot of black and white designs. I just love the simplicity and the crisp look. This design is one of my favorites!

The purchase of OPI Mini Sheer Tints was the one of the best decisions! Check the original post here.

I loved this nautical design and enjoyed wearing the look for a while...

Here is another design I used OPI Sheer Tints. I did the design on my beloved daughter's nails. I did a few twin posts with her and I think I finally got her into nail stamping! I really enjoyed getting her involved on my posts. But do not forget my beloved son! He inspired me for this nail design here!

This was a fun design! My nails don't look great (earlier days...) and my picture quality is sad (iphone 4!), but I enjoyed the design a lot. 

I think I came the long way! My picture quality improved mid-year with the new iphone 5S camera and I even started Instagram!

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you keep coming back!


Little Dot

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