Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Great Purchase at Local Store

If you read my last post, you might remember I mentioned I have bought a lot of nail polish recently. Though I bought my polish in many different stores, my great bargain buys came from my local Shoppers Drug Mart!! I just love this store. Time to time, I stop by there just browsing to see if any good nail polish is in the bargain bin. At one time, I found these for $2.99 each!

From left to right, Boxer Shorts, Cascade Cool, Cashmere Bathrobe, Vested Interest. 

I was especially excited about Cashmere Bathrobe and Vested Interest. These are from Essie Fall 2013 collection and these two colors were the ones I wanted to get! Both of them are such lovely colors and I wore Cashmere Bathroom almost constantly for a while...

And at another time, I bought these for $0.99 each! Yes. Less than a dollar each for Essie nail polish!!!

From left to right, Pink About It, I Am Strong, Check-up, Shearling Darling, Sable Collar, Mind Your Mittens. 

Sable Collar, Shearling Darling, and Mind Your Mittens are from Essie Winter 2013 collection. When this collection came out, I bought Parka Perfect and Toggle to the Top. That means I have now 5 out of 6 colors from this collection! Not bad, right?

Where do you buy your nail polish from? Do you have any bargain buys you want to share?


Little Dot

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